Welcome to the Ukiah Unified School District Math Support Page!
This page has been created by teachers to help you and your student navigate the new Common Core Mathematics, specifically the curriculum our district has adopted for 6th-8th grade: Math Links On this site you will find overviews of the math your student is learning at school as well as support videos for when they get stuck! This website is a work in progress. Please be patient with us! |
6th grade6th grade math begins with review of number understanding developed in the previous grades. Students work with fractions and decimals as they build their understanding to expressions, equations and ratios.
7th grade7th grade math reviews student knowledge of positive and negative numbers and extends to deeper understanding. Students work with numbers on a number line and using different modeling strategies. Students work with probability and extend the knowledge of expressions and equations they built in 6th grade to move into inequalities.
8th grade8th grade math continues to build on what students have learned in previous grades regarding expressions, equations; moving into functions and tables. Students grapple with patterns, graphs, squares, roots, shapes and angles.